General Rules

1. The Radio Club Argentino issues the following awards to worldwide amateurs and shortwave listeners.

2. Applications must be completed in the forms available on the RCA website.

3. Foreign amateurs have the following options to validate their applications:

a) Application forms checked and certified by the Award Manager of your IARU National Member Society or local Radio Club.

b) Logbook of The World (LoTW) credit sheet.

4. Electronic QSL cards of any kind will not be accepted.

5. All contacts must be made from the same radio entity. Applicants may use any callsigns issued to them by their communications authority, including those for contests or special events.

6. All contacts must be Two-Way (2X) in the mode for the application is made.

7. Contacts made through the following ways will not be accepted:

a) Cross mode/band.
b) Through repeaters.
c) Through Internet linked systems of any kind.
d) With or onboard maritime/air mobile stations (unless specified).

8. The RCA, in order to guarantee its Awards Program integrity, can request through its Awards Manager any documentation to verify the authenticity of an application.

9. All awards can be issued in printed A4 format or digital PDF.

10. Fees:

a) A4 Printed Awards
U$ 25 (US Dollars twenty five) each.
All Awards are sent via Registered Mail.

b) Digital PDF Awards
U$ 10 (US Dollars ten) each.

11. Awards applications will be processed within 30 (thirty) days upon reception.

12. Participation in the RCA Awards Program means full knowledge and acceptance of the present General Rules.

13. Decisions made by the RCA Board of Directors on any question not foreseen in this General Rules shall be final.

14. The RCA, owner and administrator of this Awards Program, may change the present General Rules without prior notice. The present rules cancel all previous ones.

15. For any questions, the RCA Award Manager, Diego Salom LU8ADX, can be contacted at

16. All correspondence must be addressed to:

Radio Club Argentino
Award Manager
P. O. Box 97
C1000WAA – Buenos Aires

17. Awards:

“Toda LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA” (Worked All Argentina)

The TRA Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with all 24 (twenty four) argentine territorial divisions:

1. Buenos Aires (LU-LW#D/E), 2. Catamarca (LU#R), 3. Chaco (LU#GA-GO), 4. Chubut (LU#W), 5. Córdoba (LU-LW#H), 6. Corrientes (LU#L), 7. Entre Ríos (LU#E), 8. Formosa (LU#GP-GZ), 9. Jujuy (LU#T), 10 La Pampa (LU#U), 11. La Rioja (LU#S), 12. Mendoza (LU#M), 13. Misiones (LU#I), 14. Neuquén (LU#Y), 15. Río Negro (LU#V), 16. Salta (LU#O), 17. San Juan (LU#P), 18. San Luis (LU#Q), 19. Santa Cruz (LU#XA-XO), 20. Santa Fe (LU#F), 21. Santiago del Estero (LU#N), 22. Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands (LU#XP-XZ/LU#Z), 23. Tucumán (LU#K) and 24. Buenos Aires City (LU#A/B/C).

Modes: Mixed, Phone, CW and Digital.

Bands: All HF.

“101 PAISES” (101 Countries)

1. The “101 Países” Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with 101 (one hundred and one) active entities, according to the RCA Active Entities List.

2. Modes: Mixed, Phone (AM, FM, SSB), CW, Digital.

3. Bands:

a) Multiband, all HF bands.
b) Monoband, 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6* meters.

*50 MHz Mixed mode only.

4. A “101 Países” Laureate is issued to those who achieve 101 entities in the 5 (five) HF 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands.

5. Only contacts made on November 20th 1945 and after will count for this award.

6. A contact with Argentina (LU) is needed.

7. Endorsements:

a) Once you have achieved the “101 Países” Award, stickers will be issued every 20 (twenty) new confirmed entities up to 301 (three hundred and one).
b) After 301 entities, a sticker will be issued every 5 (five) new confirmed entities.
c) Applications must indicate award number.
d) Fee is U$ 10 (US Dollars ten) each.


The CCC Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with the following five continental areas: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

Modes: Mixed, Phone, CW and Digital.
Bands: All HF.

A “CCC Laureate” is issued to those who achieve five continents in the five HF 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands.

“TODOS LOS PAÍSES DE AMÉRICA” (Worked All American Countries)

The TPA Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with american countries.

Valid entities to this Award are: Argentina (LU), Antigua & Barbuda (V2), Bahamas (C6), Barbados (8P), Belize (V3), Bolivia (CP), Brazil (PY), Canada (VE), Chile (CE), Colombia (HK), Costa Rica (TI), Cuba (CO), Dominica (J7), Dominican Republic (HI), Ecuador (HC), El Salvador (YS), United States of America (W), Grenada (J3), Guatemala (TG), Guyana (8R), Haiti (HH), Honduras (HR), Jamaica (6Y), Mexico (XE), Nicaragua (YN), Panama (HP), Paraguay (ZP), Peru (OA), St. Kitts & Nevis (V4), St. Vincent & Grenadines (J8), St. Lucia (J6), Surinam (PZ), Trinidad & Tobago (9Y), Uruguay (CX) and Venezuela (YV).

a) Class I: 15 countries
b) Class II: 25 countries
c) Class III: 35 countries

A contact with Argentina (LU) is needed.
Modes: Mixed, Phone, CW and Digital.
Bands: All HF.


The CA Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with 100 (one hundred) different argentine amateur radio stations, any band, any mode.

The goal of this award is to promote amateur radio activity with Argentina.

No QSL cards will be requested to apply for this Award, being your log enough proof.



The CAA Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with at least 1 (one) argentine antarctic base (LU#Z).

Argentine antarctic bases:

• Carlini, Cámara and Decepción Bases are located in the South Shetland Is.
• Orcadas Base is located in the South Orkney Is.
• Marambio, Petrel, Esperanza, Primavera, Melchior, Almirante Brown, San Martin, Matienzo and Belgrano II Bases are located in the continental Antarctica.

Modes: Mixed, Phone, CW and Digital.
Bands: All HF


The LA Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with 100 (one hundred) different argentine cities, any band, any mode.

For the purpose of this Award, a “city” is any argentine populated area that has an identifying CPA Code (Código Postal Argentino, or Argentine Zip Code), assigned by the Correo Argentino, national postal service.

• Two or more cities sharing a single CPA (zip) code, will be considered as different cities each one.

• Large single cities with more than one CPA (zip) code assigned, will be considered as a single city.


a) Class I: 100 locations
b) Class II: 200 locations
c) Class III: 300 locations
d) Class IV: 400 locations
e) Etc., each 100 new locations

All information related to argentine CPA (zip) codes is available at


The EF Award is issued to amateur radio stations submitting proof of contact with a minimum of 35 (thirty five) different argentine railroad stations, active or inactive, of 3 (three) different lines, located in a minimum of 3 (three) different argentine provinces, any band, any mode.

Contacts for this award may be credited with both QSL cards or the RCA Railroad QSOs Database at


a) Class I: 35 railroad stations
b) Class II: 100 railroad stations
c) Class III: 150 railroad stations
d) Etc., each 50 new railroad stations